Here we are again, another point in our life where the cross roads can deviate our path. Travis and I have daily routines that can be traveled together or separately. This is a constant choice I get to choose. The greatest lesson I've learned in life that has been a strength sometimes, but sometimes has led to trouble has been that I have a choice to choose my own happiness. My choice in deciding to marry Travis was not very hard for me, where he had been my best friend and strength through so much...he has always had my best interest at hand. I have been so ever blessed to have made that decision.
Last night, Travis and I were driving to the gym TOGETHER and he asked me if I felt bad that he wasn't rich. This has filled my mind ever since he posed the question? Why would Travis even ask me that? I responded quickly..."No, because I love you the way you are." It's easy to pick out the good in other situations and to compare to others, however this is one of those destructive tools the advesary uses to destroy our marriages. I know that I made the choice to marry my best friend. I made the choice to continue down the road of being newly wedded and poor. This is just a phase in life. I can travel alone, or I can travel it with my spouse, hand in hand....with a kiss or a hug to help lighten the way. I love my Travis so much and I am so happy we are married. He has been a great strength and a great help for me! I think that Heavenly Father sent him for me!!!
Marriage is a mathematical equation: 1+1=1
By putting two lives and talents together, you become one in all things. This is the greatest decision anyone could make!!
Last night, Travis and I were driving to the gym TOGETHER and he asked me if I felt bad that he wasn't rich. This has filled my mind ever since he posed the question? Why would Travis even ask me that? I responded quickly..."No, because I love you the way you are." It's easy to pick out the good in other situations and to compare to others, however this is one of those destructive tools the advesary uses to destroy our marriages. I know that I made the choice to marry my best friend. I made the choice to continue down the road of being newly wedded and poor. This is just a phase in life. I can travel alone, or I can travel it with my spouse, hand in hand....with a kiss or a hug to help lighten the way. I love my Travis so much and I am so happy we are married. He has been a great strength and a great help for me! I think that Heavenly Father sent him for me!!!
Marriage is a mathematical equation: 1+1=1
By putting two lives and talents together, you become one in all things. This is the greatest decision anyone could make!!
That's so sweet! I love that 1+1=1 equation. You guys are so cute together and are so good for each other. You are an example to Trent and I. It's easy to let anything get in the way of your happiness whether it be money, entertainment, or whatever. The only way to recognize it is by being open about it and then reprioritize to the good things. Even if you guys had loads of money there would always be something else that could get in the way. Trent and I have learned and are still learning the hard way about what our limits are as far as money too. Mo money mo problems right? ;) love ya
Your post reminds me of the quote: "'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all."... but I would replace the word 'lost' with 'be poor'. Life isn't about money, but it sure does require a little! My hubby and I are poor too...but people keep telling me that one day we will look back on these times and laugh and love the memories of being 'poor'.
P.S. There's a tree you can buy at Walmart...it's called a money tree. Maybe it will really work?!
oh Holls! I love how positive you are! I love reading your blog! It is always so uplifting! It is so true that we can consciously make the decision to be happy everyday, to like our jobs, to love that person we married even when things aren't perfect or the way they were when we were dating. Life is full of choices, we just need to make the right ones! Lova ya girl!
Holly-you make me remember how important the relationship of husband and wife truly is. I'm definitely at a different stage of life than you are and it's so easy to put this relationship aside to take care of children, church callings, family, and work. Thanks for all your sweet posts!
i love all the pictures you added and how did you do the thing at the top?! so cute!!!
That is very profound that you have figured this out at such a young age. Good for you.
Hollie! You are the post positive person I have ever met but I know that is what makes your relationship better. I know what its like to have hard times but love and staying positive is the best policy, its just not always easy! Thanks for your posts, they uplift me.
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